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Installing PixivUtil2 on Alpine Linux

Installing PixivUtil2 on Alpine Linux

Probably ignore this since the docker container is the better solution... but at the time of writing that container uses python:3.11 as the base, which uses Debian bookworm which makes me unhappy (it is very big).

Version used in this example: 20240703

Install Prerequisites

PixivUtil2 is python so guess what, python is required!

apk add python3

When downloading ugoira ffmpeg is required to create a webm.

apk add ffmpeg

Download PixivUtil2 and Extract

Download the source in .tar.gz the .zip archive is for Windows.

wget https://github.com/Nandaka/PixivUtil2/archive/refs/tags/v20240703.tar.gz

Setup a python venv (Virtual Environment)

This command will setup a virtual environment called venv:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

. venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements (from requirements.txt)

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Add Cookie to Configuration

config.ini does not exist in the release archive but will be created when PixivUtil2.py is executed for the first time. The important entries are:

cookie = 012345_somethinghere

Find the cookie from the browser and add it to the config file. Details in readme.md from the distribution.

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